Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Day 7

Today some of the interns (a mix of newbies and oldies) went to see the Venitian artist Lilli Doriguzzi in her home and studio. She’ll be exhibiting some of her work next week at an event in the PGC so it was nice to see her in her own environment.

Her apartment is gorgeous! She’s kept it all old but has some amazing designer chairs which I just had to sit in.

She also had a custom made artwork by Louise Bourgeois which was pretty impressive.

Lilli’s artwork is heavily influence by Venice and its people and landscape. Her most recent work is this really cool table game thing which is based on how hard it is to meet up with people in Venice. It’s a game of chance and you have the roll the dice the same as your opponent and try to cross the other side of the Grand Canal to meet and shake hands. If you meet you win, if not you lose.

It’s really complicated to explain and when she was first telling us about it I thought she was a bit bonkers but it’s a really fun game J

We all got a chance to play against each other. It was funny because all of the native Italian’s managed to win whereas all of us foreigners lost L Venice is a very hard city to navigate around!

Anyway, here are some pics!

Me, Nicole and Anastasia then went to have lunch at a cafe in Campo and we were giggling at the names of the paninis. They were all named after artists and some of them were very appropriate, especially Dali! (bleugh)

On our table was a little gift for us that someone had left behind. We have decided that he is our mascot so there will be many more pictures of him to come!
Anastasia came up with a name for him but it was stupid so I'm looking for more ideas for names!

(No name) having a sneaky sip of my beer!

Oh yh, I hadn't seen Marina for a couple of days and it turns out that she'd been out partying with Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow, sipping on free champagne! It's alright for some!

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