Saturday, 3 September 2011

Day 4

Today I was on audio guides J

I really enjoyed it although I’m not too sure I’ve very good at it! I thought it would be a good chance to practise my Italian but they all asked me to speak English because they would understand me better L I thought my Italian was getting pretty good!

I had to say ‘Posso avere un document? Glielo restituisco alla consegna dell’audioguida’

Then when they gave me something as a deposit I would say my long speil:

‘Premere cento a poi ‘play’ per ascoltore l’introduzione. Trovera a destra del nome del dipinto un numero con il simbolo (then point to symbol on sign). Prema il numero a poi ‘play’.

And that was my working day really. I went for a cheeky spritz at lunch with Holly, Claire, Katie and Velina.

Oooo and Guy Pearce came in today which got us all rather excited.

After work the old interns gave us a tour of the collection and gave us tips on how to give talks to the lovely public which was funny and helpful.

Then we all went out for pizza (including the Capi) for the Welcome Dinner. I had the gorgonzola and speck pizza which was so good! Then we all drank lots of wine and spritz and I got lost on the way home.

So not a very exciting day. Although tomorrow is REGATTA HISTORICAAAA! This means I don’t have to start until 11! Yay! My job is to help the important people get up the stairs onto the terrace and keep the plebs out. I shall take my camera with me and try to take a sneaky picture!

I have decided that as my day was so uneventful, I will treat you to some pictures.

Me with PJ's

Holly in Calder Hall

My calendar for the month

My scary looking schedule that I get everyday!

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